So we live in this surf town called Biarritz. It’s kinda hard to describe to my friends back home because it’s so little, but also big for a small town, it’s warm and also very cold, it’s French but also Basque, it’s touristy but very local, it’s California but yah… its still France. In the summer this place becomes the go-to destination for Europeans, but when I mention Biarritz to Americans the look of confusion often crosses their face. I like to call Biarritz the La Jolla, California of France because I’m from San Diego and La Jolla has nice beaches, beautiful reefs, wealthy people and good looking teenagers hanging out at the beach just like Biarritz… heck even the Frenchies call Biarritz the “French California.” But after some thought you could describe La Jolla a “Vanilla” Biarritz to be honest, and if La Jolla is Vanilla then Biarritz should be described as a “Neapolitan.” Because Biarritz contains all the things I like about La Jolla and then adds Chocolate and Strawberry to the mix giving you a wider taste range that does have its pluses and minuses, but overall gives more sensations and experiences good or bad. You see, as mentioned above, the weather isn’t always a perfect 70 degrees and sunny like back home in San Diego. It rains here a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a shit ton, and every other night we get the most epic thunderstorms – something so rare back home in San Diego, yet so frequent here. The range of temperature fluctuation that can happen in Biarritz within 24 hours is nothing a San Diego native can relate to without experiencing it first hand. In the summer the streets are packed with odd parking jobs and tourists, but its hard to find many open restaurants in the winter, as the plethora of different faces soon thin out to the locals. And it would be an injustice to call Biarritz a little French town, because after all it is Basque, and they are very proud of that… but we will have to describe that in another post.
This place called Biarritz